
Spotify Company LogoSpotify Company Logo
Since launching in 2008, Spotify has transformed the way people access and enjoy music and podcasts.

Listeners can discover, manage, and share over 60 million tracks, including more than 1.9 million podcast titles, for free. They can also upgrade to Spotify Premium to access exclusive features including improved sound quality and an on-demand, offline, and ad-free listening experience.

On Spotify, there are thousands of editorially curated playlists designed for every moment, mood, and occasion, plus personalized playlists that are created for each person based on their listening habits. Whether it’s playing on your home speakers, streaming on your gaming console, or listening through your car’s speakers, Spotify offers countless convenient ways to listen and discover.

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, or what audio you love—at Spotify, you’ll be part of a brand that’s reimagining the entertainment industry. Our open collaborative environment and innovative, audacious brand gives you the opportunity to grow, have fun, and do your best work.

Some fast facts, as of September 2020:
  • Subscribers: 144 million
  • Monthly active users: 320 million
  • Revenue paid to rightsholders since launch: 19 billion-plus euros
  • Number of tracks: 60 million plus
  • Number of podcast titles: 1.9 million plus
  • Number of Playlists: 4 billion plus
  • Spotify is available in 92 markets

US states we’re located in: Massachusetts, Illinois, New York, California, and Tennessee; and Washington DC

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Graphic of Laptop and CellphoneGraphic of Laptop and Cellphone